Welcoming Moms and Mentors to the Cherish Family

Moms and Mentors is a local grassroots group that matches new young moms with experienced moms who provide support and guidance. Maureen Hobbs, the driving force behind Moms and Mentors, has also organized scholarships for the new moms with wonderful success. Moms and Mentors gives these people a hand up and not a hand out. Best of all, there is lots of opportunity for our people to be volunteer Grandmoms and Granddads. Whether it is holding a baby in the room while the mom learns first aid or simply visiting, these young moms and babies would welcome you in their lives. True caring comes from the heart. Welcome Moms and Mentors to the Cherish family.

Learn more about Moms and Mentors: https://momsandmentorssociety.ca/about/.

Donations are always welcome!

©2025 Cherish at Central Park

Website from JumpStart Web

For more information, please call us at 250-478-4431
fax 250 478 4131 | info@cherishliving.ca | cherishvictoria.ca
100-917 Avrill Road, Victoria, BC V9B 0T2

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