We are so happy for our Cherish residents who visited Elements casino for a day of excitement and entertainment!...
Β©2025 Cherish at Central Park
Website fromΒ JumpStart Web
We are so happy for our Cherish residents who visited Elements casino for a day of excitement and entertainment!...
Do you want to know what it’s like to live at Cherish At Central Park? Just ask our residents!...
What better way to showcase the Cherish Living lifestyle of comfort, security and wellness than to hear from our...
Take a peek into the Cherish Living community via the October 2023 newsletter. Also posted at our Facebook page...
What a great night! Oktoberfest on October 3rd was an amazing evening of fun, great food & dancing! Check...
Thank you once again to Island Health for holding an on-site COVID vaccination clinic at Cherish for our second...
The Cherish Trout Scouts take fishing seriously. Eager volunteers were happy to help let these little fry loose in...
March 4, 2021 was a very exciting day at Cherish! EVERYONE, Residents and staff, received their first COVID shot!
When asked, a day or so before, if we knew anyone that could play the bag pipes for Thelma’s...
There is no doubt that our world has changed in the face of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Self-isolation.
Β©2025 Cherish at Central Park
Website fromΒ JumpStart Web
For more information, please call us at 250-478-4431
fax 250 478 4131 |Β info@cherishliving.caΒ |Β cherishvictoria.ca
100-917 Avrill Road, Victoria, BC V9B 0T2
Dimensions, sizes, specifications, layouts & materials are approximate & subject to change without notice.
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